Applied physics combines pure physics with math, science, and engineering principles, and applies them to practical ends. It is especially geared toward advanced and emerging technologies such as nanotechnology, medical and advanced imaging, and renewable energies.
Besides its “practical” emphasis, the principle way that this major differs from the traditional physics major is the greater breadth and flexibility that it offers. Introductory and upper-level courses integrate other related discipline such as engineering, computer science, chemistry and biology, and you have a much greater choice of electives and concentrations.
For example, courses in applied optics may combine knowledge of fiber optics, lasers, and LEDs with electrical devices, controls, and communication systems, in order to explore ways to increase data transfer rates or Internet bandwidth. Or, courses in applied materials could combine the physics of electronic, magnetic, and optical materials processing to examine possible applications of nanotechnology.
Courses are often taught in a combination of approaches. The basic courses may be either a traditional lecture and lab or a combined lecture/lab setting. More advanced courses include group projects, independent research work, and a senior thesis project. (More rigorous programs may require a high-level senior research thesis that makes an “original contribution” to the field.)
Ideally, course work is combined with extended work co-op or internships that provide hands-on experience, enabling you to see the connection between physics concepts and their application in real-world cases.
Among colleges there are varying requirements for an applied physics degree, ranging from two terms of elective lab courses added to a traditional physics program, to a more rigorous four-year plan. In the later case there may be a required sequence (concentration) of courses in a specific field of applied physics such as acoustics, optics, medical physics, and the like; plus a sequence of technical courses (minor)in a field outside physics such as engineering; plus a co-op experience or summer internship; plus a thesis.
As you consider this degree, ne aware that a high level of preparation in high school mathematics is necessary to grasp the advanced physics concepts you will be facing. You should expect to engage in teamwork with other students in group projects, as well as individual problem solving and independent research. This a challenging degree that requires a passion for learning, discipline, and good time management skills.
Optical engineer*; medical physicist; researcher*; acoustics engineer*; materials scientist*; laser technologist.
The applied physics major will open the door to almost any technical industry, but most opportunities will require a master’s degree. A bachelor’s degree may qualify you for entry-level positions related to engineering, computer science, environmental science, and some nonscience fields, such as sales. There is also a strong demand for high school physics teachers, but most states require new teachers to obtain a master’s degree within a certain time.
The Bureau of Labor Statistics projects favourable prospects through 2018 in applied research, development, and related technologies, particularly for physicists with good oral and written communication skills and some knowledge in areas outside of physics, such as economics, information technology, or business management.
The fastest job growth will be in the biomedical, environmental, alternative energy, and similar advanced and emerging technologies.
Source: CollegeBoard 2012 Book of Majors
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