A summer school, summer session, summer camp or pre-college summer program offers students the opportunity to take classes at a college and experience its academic culture and social life. You also get to hear from visiting scholars, alumni, guest speakers, and admission officers at all top universities about college level studies and how to best prepare for them. If going to university is an intimidating prospect for you, then the summer school program is made for you. You get to experience college life in the span of 1-8 weeks. Summer school abroad will help your undergraduate application and countries like the US, UK and France have world-renowned universities that offer summer school level courses in more than different fields.
Many of the world’s best universities and further education institutions organise summer study programs over the academic break. Summer school courses are becoming a popular method to help add extra value to your resume or to boost your career profile. They are also an excellent way to demonstrate a commitment to continuous professional development and to keep abreast of the latest best practice in a given field. With daily classes throughout the summer school these are an intense study option, and competition to be accepted to summer schools is strong.
8 months prior
1 month
A dedicated counselor will be helping you throughout the process who will be there to assist you in matters and resolve issues that may arise.
We will make sure that you are ready for any challenges and hurdles that come your way throughout the application process.
With the help of scheduled reminders and our personalized timeline for the application process, you will always remain on track.
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