Process to Get Post Graduate Work Permit in Canada for Indian Students

Process to Get Post Graduate Work Permit in Canada for Indian Students

The Post-Graduation Work Permit (PGWP) program in Canada enables international graduates from designated learning institutions to gain valuable work experience by allowing them to work for any employer across Canada for up to three years. This opportunity is crucial for career advancement as it allows graduates to build their resumes, gain references, and establish professional networks. Additionally, the work experience gained under PGWP is recognized by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) and contributes to eligibility for permanent residency through programs such as the Canadian Experience Class (CEC), Provincial Nominee Programs (PNP), and the Federal Skilled Worker Program (FSWP). This makes PGWP an essential pathway for international students to transition from temporary status to permanent residency and eventually, Canadian citizenship.

Beyond individual career benefits, the PGWP also significantly contributes to the Canadian economy and society by integrating skilled graduates into the labor market, addressing skill shortages, and fostering economic growth. It promotes cultural and social integration, allowing graduates to immerse themselves in Canadian society, improve their language skills, and engage with their communities. The open nature of the work permit offers flexibility and freedom, enabling graduates to find the best job fit for their skills and career aspirations. Ultimately, the PGWP not only aids in meeting permanent residency requirements but also supports long-term settlement and integration in Canada, facilitating a smoother transition to citizenship.


Benefits of Post Graduate Work Permit in Canada


Opportunity to Gain Industry Experience in Canada

A Post Graduate Work Permit (PGWP) allows graduates to gain valuable industry experience in Canada, enhancing their practical skills and knowledge in their field of study.


Flexibility in Choosing Employment

The PGWP provides flexibility for graduates to work with any employer in Canada, without restrictions on the type of job or industry, giving them the freedom to explore various career opportunities.


Extension of Stay in Canada

With a PGWP, graduates can extend their stay in Canada for up to three years, offering them more time to explore permanent residency options and fully immerse themselves in the Canadian job market.


Enhancement of Employability

Gaining Canadian work experience through a PGWP significantly boosts a graduate’s employability, making them more attractive candidates to potential employers both within Canada and internationally.


Opportunity to Earn Income

The PGWP allows graduates to earn a substantial income by working full-time, supporting themselves financially, and potentially saving for future goals or paying off student loans.


Eligibility Criteria for PGWP Canada


Eligibility Requirements for Post-Graduation Work Permit (PGWP)

To be eligible for a Post-Graduation Work Permit (PGWP), you must apply within 180 days (6 months) of completing your program of study. Submitting your application before this deadline is essential, as late submissions may not be accepted. To avoid last-minute delays or technical issues, it is advisable to apply as early as possible.

To qualify for a Post-Graduation Work Permit (PGWP) in Canada, you must fulfil several criteria established by the Canadian government. These include:


1. Completion of a Full-Time Program at a Designated Learning Institution (DLI)

Completion of a full-time study program at a Designated Learning Institution (DLI) in Canada. They are institutions approved by the Canadian government to host international students.


Types of DLI’s:

Public post-secondary institutions: This includes colleges, trade or technical schools, universities, and the CEGEP in Quebec.

Private post-secondary institutions: These must operate under the same guidelines as public institutions.

Private secondary or post-secondary Quebec institutions: These offer a diplôme d’études professionnelles (DEP) or an attestation de spécialisation professionnelle (ASP).

Private schools or universities: These are allowed to confer degrees to their students.


Program Requirements:

The program must have been full-time and lasted at least 8 months. Part-time programs or those shorter than 8 months are not eligible.

You must have obtained a degree, diploma, or certificate from the DLI for a program lasting at least 8 months.


2. Maintaining Valid Student Status in Canada

You must have maintained valid student status throughout your studies in Canada. This includes:

Regularly attending classes.

Making progress towards completing your program.

Renewing your study permit as necessary.


3. Meeting Health and Security Requirements

You must undergo and pass medical examinations and security checks as required by the Canadian government to ensure you do not pose any health or security risks to Canada.


Additional Considerations

Certain factors can affect your eligibility for the PGWP. These include:

Withdrawal from Studies: Interruptions in your studies can impact eligibility.

Changing Your Program of Study: Changes in your program can have varying effects depending on the specifics.

Transferring Institutions: Moving from one institution to another can also affect your eligibility.

Each of these factors is considered on a case-specific basis. If you are aiming to secure a PGWP after completing your studies, it is crucial to understand how these factors might influence your application.


How Long is a PGWP Valid For?


Duration of Validity of the Canadian Post-Graduation Work Permit (PGWP)

The duration of your Post-Graduation Work Permit (PGWP) is determined based on the length of your study program(s) as follows:


Program Duration Less Than 8 Months

You are not eligible for a PGWP.


Program Duration Between 8 Months and Less Than 2 Years

You will receive a PGWP equivalent to the length of your program. For instance:

A 9-month program will yield a 9-month PGWP.

A 16-month program will yield a 16-month PGWP.


Program Duration of 2 Years or More

You will receive a PGWP valid for 3 years.


Completing Multiple Programs

If you complete more than one eligible program, the length of each program can be combined to determine the duration of your PGWP. For example, completing one 8-month program and another 12-month program will result in a 20-month PGWP.

Each program must meet the following criteria:

Be eligible for a PGWP.

Be at least 8 months in duration.


Additional Notes

You cannot obtain a new PGWP if you have already been issued one after completing an earlier study program.

Here are the updates regarding the Post Graduate Work Permit (PGWP) in Canada for academic programs at certain Designated Learning Institutions (DLIs) in Quebec:


Program Completion Before 1st September 2023:

If you complete your program before 1st September 2023 and apply for a PGWP within six months of completion, your application will be assessed under the existing criteria.

Programs Starting After 1st September 2023:

For programs beginning after 1st September 2023, you can apply for a PGWP only if the program remains eligible after this date.


Currently Enrolled Students:

If you are currently enrolled in a program that will become ineligible for PGWP after 1st September 2023, the time you spent studying in that program before 1st September 2023 may still count towards your PGWP eligibility.

Temporary Changes by Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada:

These changes affect the following groups of students:

Those enrolled in PGWP-eligible programs that were in progress in March 2020.

Those who started their PGWP-eligible programs between March 2020 and 31st August 2022.


Eligible universities and colleges

Here is a list of some universities and colleges in Canada that offer courses and programs eligible for the Post-Graduation Work Permit (PGWP):


Name of Institution Province
University of Toronto Ontario
University of British Columbia British Columbia
McGill University Quebec
University of Alberta Alberta
University of Calgary Alberta
University of Ottawa Ontario
University of Manitoba Manitoba
University of Saskatchewan Saskatchewan
University of Waterloo Ontario
University of Prince Edward Island Prince Edward Island


These institutions are known to offer programs that qualify international students for the PGWP, allowing them to work in Canada post-graduation. The specific eligibility for PGWP depends on various factors, including the type of program and its duration. Always check with the institution and the latest immigration guidelines for up-to-date information.


PGWP Fees: How much does a PGWP cost?

For the Post-Graduation Work Permit (PGWP) in Canada, a fee of CAD 255 is required, which includes a CAD 155 base fee and a CAD 100 'Open Work Permit Holder' fee. If you need to restore both your student status and PGWP, the total fee is CAD 605. While most international students will need to pay the standard PGWP application fee, some may incur additional costs depending on their specific circumstances.


PGWP Processing Duration

The processing time for Post-Graduation Work Permit (PGWP) applications is 141 days for online submissions, whereas paper-based applications are processed in 34 days.



The Post-Graduate Work Permit (PGWP) in Canada is a crucial pathway for international students who have completed their studies at eligible Canadian designated learning institutions (DLIs) to gain valuable Canadian work experience. This open work permit allows graduates to work for any employer and in any job across Canada, without the need for a job offer at the time of application. The duration of the PGWP typically corresponds to the length of the study program completed, ranging from a minimum of eight months to a maximum of three years. Obtaining Canadian work experience through the PGWP can be instrumental for graduates aiming to apply for permanent residency through various immigration programs, such as the Canadian Experience Class under the Express Entry system.

To be eligible for a PGWP, applicants must have completed a full-time program that is at least eight months long at a DLI, and they must apply within 180 days of receiving confirmation that they have met the requirements for completing their program. The PGWP program is designed to retain skilled international graduates by providing them with the opportunity to gain work experience that is highly valued by Canadian employers. This experience not only enhances the graduates' career prospects but also strengthens their profiles when applying for permanent residency, contributing to Canada's economic growth and diversity by retaining talented individuals trained within the country.




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